Boxelder Bugs – A Nuisance to Your Home, a Harbinger of Fall

As the leaves begin their transformation into a brilliant tapestry of gold, crimson, and amber, a signal is sent to those tiny creatures that lurk in the shadows, preparing to invade our homes: the boxelder bug. These unassuming insects, with their drab, mottled wings and penchant for congregating in large numbers, herald the arrival of autumn and bring with them the annoyance of having to clean up after their unwanted presence. In this article, we will delve into the secretive world of boxelder bugs, exploring their behavior, uncovering their hiding spots, and arming you with the knowledge and strategies to effectively combat this seasonal nuisance.

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What are Boxelder Bugs?

Boxelder bugs, Boisea trivittata, are a species of true bugs belonging to the order Hemiptera. True bugs are characterized by their piercing, sucking mouthparts, which they use to extract nutrients from plants. Boxelder bugs primarily feed on the seeds of boxelder trees (Acer negundo), but they will also venture onto other maple species, such as ash, maple, and boxwood. These insects are native to North America and can be found throughout the eastern, central, and western United States and southern Canada.

A Bug’s Life: The Boxelder Bug’s Journey

Boxelder bugs spend most of their lives outdoors, but as the weather turns cold in the fall, they seek refuge within our homes to escape the winter’s chill. They typically enter through cracks in walls, windows, and doors, as well as around plumbing and electrical lines. Once inside, they often cluster in sunny areas, such as windowsills, ceilings, and light fixtures, where they remain dormant until the weather warms up again in the spring.

Signs of a Boxelder Bug Infestation

The presence of boxelder bugs in your home is usually quite evident due to their noticeable black, red, and orange markings and their tendency to gather in large groups. You may notice them crawling on walls, furniture, or window panes, or they may be congregating on the sunny side of a room. In addition, boxelder bugs often release an unpleasant odor when they are crushed or disturbed, making their presence known even if they are not visible.

Blog - How Do I Get Rid Of Boxelder Bugs On My Chicago Property?

Safeguarding Your Home from Boxelder Bugs

Prevention is the cornerstone of an effective strategy against boxelder bugs. Here are some measures you can take to minimize their presence in your home:

  1. Seal Entry Points:

    Inspect your home carefully for any cracks or gaps in walls, windows, and doors, and seal them using caulk, weatherstripping, or expanding foam. Pay particular attention to areas where pipes and wires enter the structure.

  2. Trim Trees:

    Keep tree branches away from your home’s exterior, as they can provide a pathway for boxelder bugs to gain entry.

  3. Eliminate Food Sources:

    Remove any boxelder trees or other maple species from your property, as they attract these pests.

  4. Vacuum Regularly:

    Regularly vacuuming carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture will help remove any boxelder bugs that may have wandered inside.

  5. Exclusion Techniques:

    Hang insect screens over windows and doors, and place weatherstripping around door and window frames to prevent boxelder bugs from entering.

Eviction Procedures: Removing Boxelder Bugs from Your Home

If prevention fails and you find yourself faced with an infestation, there are several methods you can employ to remove these unwelcome guests:

  1. Vacuuming:

    Use a handheld vacuum cleaner with a suction hose attachment to suck up boxelder bugs from walls, furniture, and other surfaces. Dispose of the vacuum bag or empty the canister outside your home to prevent the bugs from escaping.

  2. Trapping:

    Set up simple traps using shallow dishes filled with dish soap and water. Place the dishes near areas where boxelder bugs are commonly seen. The bugs will be attracted to the dish and fall in, unable to escape due to the slippery surface.

  3. Insecticides:

    As a last resort, you may consider using insecticides specifically labeled for boxelder bugs. Apply the insecticide according to the manufacturer’s instructions, paying particular attention to areas where the bugs congregate.

How To Get Rid Of Boxelder Bugs

A Parting Word on Boxelder Bugs

While boxelder bugs are a seasonal nuisance, they are generally harmless to humans and do not pose a significant threat to your health or property. By understanding their behavior, taking preventative measures, and implementing effective removal strategies, you can minimize their presence in your home and enjoy a pest-free autumn.